Warning N. 3 - Monday 30 January 2023 - 13:00:00 |
Hi Guest,
My NickName.org has decided to restart with lots of new features after more than a year of break.
- Privacy and Cookies: on first access, read and accept the respective information, nothing has changed since before but we have better specified the third-party services present and we track any saving on about your choices so that there is better transparency
- To access the private area you will need to use your Personal Number RND and the password of your choice, it is information that only you have and is used to guarantee greater security .
- In your profile you can (in addition to changing the cookie and privacy settings) decide which notifications to receive, we have restored sending, so if you want, you can to help those who not yet have a NickName, and it asks one, to find one li>
- We have better specified the site's objectives, on the home page and on the one dedicated to donations, we are also always looking for new volunteer collaborators
- A graphic restyling has been made, more and more "mobile"
- We made the site faster and safer, with the aim of becoming a reference site for NickName speakers
Below are the successful years of some successful web platforms.. 2003 - MySpace 2006 - Google 2008 - YouTube 2011 - Facebook 2012 - Twitter 2018 - Instagram 2019 - Amazon 2020 - TikTok ... 2023 - MyNickName.org , do you want ?
On February 3, 2023 the site will reopen, what are you waiting for? Share this news also on social networks, you are receiving a preview becouse you as a user who has registered a NickName, comes back to visit us!
Warning N. 1 - Saturday 24 November 2018 - 15:13:12 |
Hi Guest, the team of MyNickName.org wanted to warn you that from 28 May 2018, the European Union has applied the 2016/679 / EU standard forcing, correctly, an informative adjustment on the privacy rights of the surfers on the treatment of the data collected for each user who accesses the website.
Among the various obligations the user registered on the website must: - declare to be over 16 years old - accept the policies on the processed data - declare that you have read the information regarding the processed data, including the cookies used when browsing our website.
To allow you to be informed and renew these requirements we invite you to: - Read the information on the provacy and cookies (http://www.mynickname.org/index.php?mod=infocookie) deciding which ones to use and accept these conditions - Go to http://www.mynickname.org and declare that you are at least 16 years old by modifying your current profile
The news does not end, next month will be reactivated the service of newsletters, if you do not want to receive them, always in the page editing your profile, disable the following option:
"Receive news on the news of MyNickName.org and NickNames"
We will also reactivate notifications to help people who do not have a NickName to propose one through the active service:
"I do not have a NickName .. Help me find one!"
if you do not want to receive this type of notifications not to help these users, always on the edit page of your profile, disable the following option:
"Receive notifications on open practices to be able to participate"
See you soon.
Warning N. 1 - Tuesday 13 November 2018 - 20:03:33 |
Hi Guest,
the team of MyNickName.org wanted to warn you that from 28 May 2018, the European Union has applied the 2016/679 / EU standard forcing, correctly, an informative adjustment on the privacy rights of the surfers on the treatment of the data collected for each user who accesses the website.
Among the various obligations the user registered on the website must: - declare to be over 16 years old - accept the policies on the processed data - declare that you have read the information regarding the processed data, including the cookies used when browsing our website.
To allow you to be informed and renew these requirements we invite you to: - Read the information on the provacy and cookies (http://www.mynickname.org/index.php?mod=infocookie) deciding which ones to use and accept these conditions - Go to http://www.mynickname.org and declare that you are at least 16 years old by modifying your current profile
The news does not end, next month will be reactivated the service of newsletters, if you do not want to receive them, always in the page editing your profile, disable the following option:
"Receive news on the news of MyNickName.org and NickNames"
We will also reactivate notifications to help people who do not have a NickName to propose one through the active service:
"I do not have a NickName .. Help me find one!"
if you do not want to receive this type of notifications not to help these users, always on the edit page of your profile, disable the following option:
"Receive notifications on open practices to be able to participate"
See you soon.
Newsletter N.7 - Tuesday 22 December 2009 - 22:51:08 |
Hi Guest,
My NickName.org spent the year to registered NickNames ( nearly 1000 ) but for a lot of developers's job the team didn't create new services. A proper thank to Arkanius (68) and Stefanet (30) per the most NickName suggested to people not have a NickName.
With the best wishes of a 2010 full of surprises, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
See you soon.
If you are a facebook's user ( http://www.facebook.com ) search "My NickName" group and sing in, if you want share the group to your social friends. After join and create a post to talk abot your NickName like NickName: Guest and everybody know your NickName also on FaceBook .
You have received this email because you are registered in http://www.mynickname.org To not receive the newsletter edit your profile and disables the option: "Received news about MyNickName.org or about NickNames world"
Newsletter N.6 - Thursday 25 June 2009 - 21:59:57 |
Hi Guest,
do you think that My NickName's team forgot of your wonderful NickName? MyNickName.org contiuos activity to spread the idea of o guard and guarantee the usage of YOUR NickName. We are created the group "My NickName"
on the biggest social network of trend at the moment, FaceBook ( http://www.facebook.com ).
if you are a facebook's user search "My NickName" group and sing in, if you want share the group to your social friends. After join and create a post to talk abot your NickName like
NickName: Guest
and everybody know your NickName also on FaceBook .
You have received this email because you are registered in http://www.mynickname.org
To not receive the newsletter edit your profile and disables the option: "Received news about MyNickName.org or about NickNames world"
See you soon.
Newsletter N.5 - Tuesday 02 December 2008 - 21:30:00 |
Hi Guest,
the team of NickName web site wanted to apologize for the numerous doubles emails sent in recent days after the publication of the new service "Give me / Create NickName". Today the send email is been re-activated with more controls. The new service ability to the new cybers to seek NickName and ask to entire community, and who want can do a proposal, based on the characteristics of the asker. For each new request will be sent an email.
If you do not want to receive this king of email, edit your profile and disable the following options:
"Received notifies about practices to partecipate"
To check the practices opened to today click here:
or from menu : "Practices and services"
Other news this month is the ability for users to report illegal content pages, click the menu item:
"Report this page with illegal content"
you can also contribute to have a web more civil.
Finally, in the coming months will be made a migration of the site on different servers in order to improve the services offered, we apologize in advance for any inconvenience or disruptions of service.
Come back to visit us to try the new features.
You have received this email because you are registered in http://www.mynickname.org
To not receive the newsletter edit your profile and disables the option: "Received news about MyNickName.org or about NickNames world"
See you soon.
Newsletter N.4 - Tuesday 23 September 2008 - 21:10:10 |
Hi Guest,
My NickName continues to grow, thanks to the your publications made by all registered users, so we're reaching 500 NickName registered over.
In the coming months there will be big surprises ... for now here's the news in September: - Upgrade the "On-line help", find out the tutorial to install new fonts on your computer to see the NickName composed of special characters, usually viewed with squares http://www.mynickname.org/index.php?mod=onlinehelp#font - New section dedicated to those who want to collaborate or support this community with a small donation http://www.mynickname.org/index.php?mod=donation
In the end we recall to you that: - you can actively participate in the forum - to download the manifest if you want to contribute to the growth of this Community to print and to hang up that it on the windows of your city, in schools, in your university or in your job. - to guarantee your NickName utilize we suggest you to add the following sentence in your Internet profile signature ( for example in the forums) : "NickName reported on www.mynickname.org web site" in this way everybody are informed about your registration and realy utilization of your NickName.
Come back to visit us to try the new features.
You have received this email because you are registered in http://www.mynickname.org See you soon.
Newsletter N.3 - Thursday 15 May 2008 - 23:35:10 |
Hi Guest,
we want advertise you that sinse this month you can configure to: - receive / not receive an email warning when some user vote your NickName - receive / not receive an email warning when some user adds a comment to your NickName - receive / not receive this newsletter
access immediately to your control panel, if not change by default you receive them.
"Manifest of My NickName.org" was borned, if you want to contribute to the growth of this Community to print and to hang up that it on the windows of your city, in schools, in your university or in your job. To download it here: http://www.mynickname.org/index.php?mod=manifest
In the end we recall to you that: - you can actively participate in the forum - you can contact us for suggestions - if you have a website you can contact us to exchange links - you can see previous newsletters, in the section dedicated - to guarantee your NickName utilize we suggest you to add the following sentence in your Internet profile signature ( for example in the forums) : "NickName reported on www.mynickname.org web site"
in this way everybody are informed about your registration and realy utilization of your NickName.
Come back to visit us to try the new features.
You have received this email because you are registered in http://www.mynickname.org See you soon.
Newsletter N.2 - Monday 25 February 2008 - 23:36:42 |
Hi Guest,
we want advertise you the new MyNickName.org's Forum, in shortly the arguments:
* NickNames - The law and legality - Practical tips - Form and Style
* The site My NickName.org - The goal of this site - Suggestions
* Social Networks - Becouse it is easier to communicate behind a NickName ... - Meeting people on the Internet
* Help - Access problems - if you had some problems in the cycle of the site visit report here
From this month you can also view the older newletters into the Newletter section.
MyNickName.org want be the point reference of people want to use and speak about the NickNames. In the next days the following features will been developed:
- enable / disable notifications about votes or comments that another person gives to your NickName - Chat room, meet and chat with new people to discover the person behind the NickName registered - Document certification, you can order it and we send it to you to your home
To guarantee your NickName utilize we suggest you to add the following sentence in your Internet profile signature ( for example in the forums) : "NickName reported on www.mynickname.org web site"
in this way everybody are informed about your registration and realy utilization of your NickName.
Come back to visit us to try the new features.
You have received this email because you are registered in http://www.mynickname.org See you soon.
Newsletter N.1 - Tuesday 11 December 2007 - 00:51:10 |
Hi Guest,
we want talk about the MyNickName.org's Community, it is in continue grow and expansion, today 196 NickNames are registered from 24 different countries.
Since the site born more features are been developed. Here there are someone:
- You can to login by NickName, E-mail or personal number - new password recover by E-mail or personal number - it's been extend to 16K the possible avatar's ( image ) size of your profile - new NickNames Hit Parade, you can add comments and to vote your Nickname preferred - new Poll : "Your NickName is borned for ..." - if MyNickName.org is great for you, tell about it to your friends directly by web page site - section contacts : if you have navigation problems, suggestions, collaboration or information request contact us
MyNickName.org want be the point reference of people want to use and speak about the NickNames. In the next days the following features will been developed:
- enable / disable notifications about votes or comments that another person gives to your NickName - Chat room, meet and chat with new people to discover the person behind the NickName registered - Forum, talk about the NickName argument - News, the actualy Internet news and Community informations - Document certification, you can order it and we send it to you to your home
To guarantee your NickName utilize we suggest you to add the following sentence in your Internet profile signature ( for example in the forums) : "NickName registered in www.mynickname.org web site"
in this way everybody are informed about your registration and realy utilization of your NickName.
Come back to visit us to try the new features.
You have received this email because you are registered in http://www.mynickname.org
See you soon.