»» My NickName Test about your NickName

Survey - Discover to how much your NickName belongs to you....

1) I have chosen a NickName to use in the chat room or the services of instantaneous messages

2) My NickName is...

3) In my NickName there is a relative information to my age:

4) In my NickName it appears:

5) My NickName could be used from one person who:

6) In my NickName there is a relative information to my physical characteristic

7) In my NickName there is a relative information to my characterial characteristic

8) If a day you discovered that your NickName is used from another person:

9) My NickName is longer than 8 characters:

10) I think that my NickName reflect myself:

Your NickName

Verify if your NickName is used





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11 April 2007